Sunday, May 15, 2011

Budalasti bosanci i pametni (i sretni) vikinzi

Da nije sve crno u svijetu zaštite životne sredine i habitata vidimo na slijedečem primjeru. Da bitka za spašavanje rijeke u posljednjem trenutku i njena zaštita mogu imati i sretan ishod uvjeravaju nas norvežani svojom pobjedom nad hidro-energetičarima na prelijepoj i netaknutom divljinom okruženoj rijeci Folla.

Ribari su stjuarti prirodne sredine

Uvijek isti argumenti, ista neuvjerljiva opravdanja hidro-energetskog lobija pametnim vikinzima nisu pomutila razum, osječaj za pravičnost i racionalno rasuđivanje, niti su ih ubjedila u opravdanost neizbježne štete zarad “koristi za društvo”, “opšteg interesa” (“opšti interes” : globalno poskupljenje električne energije uzrokuje značajno povečanje profita od investiranja i izgradnje novih hidroelektrana kao i pojavu sve više novih ulagača i privatnog kapitala).

Ipak, ovako to izgleda kada se privatnom kapitalu suprotstave zaista uporni obični ljudi, svijesni istinske vrijednosti njihovog prirodnog okruženja i ugroženih habitata.

“Save river Folla !” – WE WON !

We WON !!!

NVE, says no to exploiting river Folla for hydro electrical power plant!
The pros of power production, will not justify the harm and the disadvantages for common interests!
This is the conclusion and the very cheerful outcome of our protest champagne for saving this beautiful river.
NVE mentions especially that this project would harm the big interest for sport fishing in this river!
We have won my friends, GREAT thanks for YOUR support !!!!


You can help us stop the exploitation of this magnificent trout and grayling river in Norway!

The winter is over and the first grayling has been seen rising. A few also grabbed our flies! 
(Guide Bjørnar Hansen with a good one caught the 2nd of April)

This river is one of the few left unregulated and offering increasingly good fly fishing for trout and grayling. Situated in unspoilt nature, bordering to and has it's tributaries in the national park of the mountain massive of Rondane.
River Folla has the potential to become a even better grayling and trout river as they now also started to clean up from the mining sulphur pollutions from yesteryears.
It’s ridicules that the government now is handling 400 requests to build small scale hydro power plants all over Norway, due to high power prices. The scenery for the future is every little spawning creek regulated and in tube!
It’s also ridicules to allow building of hydro power plant in Folla as this river today offers a glorious wild experience of nature and in a couple of years will be cleaner than in many years. The money spent cleaning is worthless then.

The time is now up for presenting other views before the application for building this plant, is undergoing close consideration by NVE. We thank you all for an enormous response and thousands of protests sent!
Our voice must be heard !


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